Use winRaR to extract them to models folder Mindlessly shouting or re-posting the same text over and over again isn't funny, so don't do it.You must the 2 skin pack to work or else it will crash! Racism, sexism, and other ugly prejudices have no place in the SA-MP community. Using custom-made "hacks" or deliberately exploiting in-game mechanics doesn't just rob other players of the chance at a fair competition - it also robs you of the chance to score a real victory. Hurling insults at other players or deliberately sabotaging the game after you lose is pretty pathetic. To avoid being one of these people, try to observe the following in-game etiquette:

Some bad apples, however, are heart-set on ruining the game experience for others. However, the vast majority of players will ultimately want to have good, clean fun. Online SA-MP game servers aren't necessarily the most serious, dignified places to be - both the conversation and the game content itself can range from irreverent to downright vulgar. Depending on the gamemode, the skin you select may have an effect on which team you are on or your role in the game. On this screen, you can choose your character's skin, or appearance. The first thing you see when you begin your game will be the class selection screen. The window shows who has killed who, in addition to the method of death.

While the actual core gameplay of SA-MP is very similar, if not identical, to single-player San Andreas gameplay, certain aspects of the mod's interface can be confusing to first-timers.